One of the most common things that people contact me for is weight loss. Usually there are many factors underlying this and meaning the usually ‘move more, eat less’ motto doesn’t always work and sometimes can be causing more damage than good.


If you are struggling in this area and aren’t having success with what usually works for you then it could be because you have other factors that are preventing weight loss such as; imbalance in your endocrine system including, thyroid, adrenals, hormone or peri-menopause. After menopause weight loss becomes harder and definitely needs a more tailored approach and programme.


Outside of seeing myself, below are some quick key tips that you can implement and will help you shift a few pounds:


·      Timings – this is key and I often see people eating very late in the evening or late-night snacking that is detrimental to weight loss. A recent small-scale study showed that morning loading (ML) of food intake over evening loading (EL) had a positive effect on hunger hormones, thus leading to behavioural changes that benefitted weight loss.

·      Increase your fibre – replace processed foods and sugar with high-fibre to both help balance your blood sugar levels and also reduce inflammation. I measure visceral fat in my clinic as it’s an important marker to reduce. This internal fat has been shown to give off inflammatory markers (cytokines) and can contribute to metabolic syndrome, including obesity.

·      Sleep – this is essential for the body to recover if you have been hitting the gym hard but also for reducing cortisol levels that help prevent weight gain. It is also the most essential thing for a healthy immune system.

·      Drop the diet drinks and opt for water – This has been shown to be hugely beneficial for both weight loss but also insulin resistance in overweight women. Interestingly studies that have looked at sugar consumption after diet drinks, have shown those who opted for the diet drinks had “altered psychological processes in ways that - over time - may increase calorie intake.”

·      Movement – “sitting is the new smoking” and the sedentary lifestyle trend with office jobs and even more so now so many of us work from home more, losing the steps and movement of the commute. Exercise is important but also daily movement. If you are working from home, try and get out for a post lunch walk as this is great for reduces insulin response from the meal.




I will leave you with some testimonials from previous clients as it isn’t just seeing the scales go down:


Just to say your plan has been amazing.
I cried last Wednesday on the train as I felt like myself again! As well as feeling like a huge weight has lifted, I feel peaceful and calm, like I have lost about 6 stone and my energy is beginning to return. It’s been  a radical change so I have been trying to take it easy and be kind to myself and rest lots.


I have been working with Rebecca for four months after nearly two years of feeling peri-menopausal, with mood swings, very low in energy, dry skin, hair and nails, ever increasing weight gain and just not myself. During these last four months with gentle coaching to change my eating habits and tailored supplements to support my body I have been amazed at the improvement in my overall health, energy levels and sense of well-being, not least being back at 'wedding weight' which I haven't been for fifteen years! I would recommend Rebecca unreservedly.


I also wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your help over the last 3 months. For the last 12-15 years I have struggled, despite my active life, and many diets, to shift and keep off the weight. Having lost just under 10kg in 3 months has been fantastic but more importantly I feel as though the program has “educated” me and changed my habits to at least give me the knowledge and motivation to sustain what has been achieved. Thanks again.